Wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS

December 19, 2006


“Jingle bells…jingle bells…..”

“Silent Night….Holy Night….”

“Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer….”

“O’ Holy Night…..”

“We wish you a Merry Christmas….”

The beauty of a song, looking at lights “twinkling” from houses and rooftops, seeing the smile on the faces of the people…..

The hearts of people are happy, the hardhearted attitude of some seem to change, the joy of others seem to multiple…..What a glorious and beautiful time of year!!

Whether you sing “Jingle Bells” or “Silent Night”….look around and see the joy being spread from person to person…

How could anyone see the hearts and minds of people, especially at this time of year, and NOT BELIEVE in God and in miracles!!

Since I will be away from the computer for a time getting ready for family and friends….I wanted to take the time to….


angel globe

NY Town declares “Santa” a Religious Figure

December 3, 2006

Just when I thought I’d heard it all……Sanfordville Elementry School in Warwick, NY, caves to whims of ONE against the majority and has apparently, in their lack of cajones, declared SANTA a RELIGIOUS FIGURE!!!

Yes, you’re reading right…we are not talking about the Nativity Scene, Mary, Joseph or the Baby Jesus, we’re not talking about the singing of Silent Night, Oh Come All Ye Faithful, or O Holy Night….we are talking about elementary school kids having breakfast and a picture with Santa Claus!!!!

(CNSNews.com) – A Christmas-themed event to raise money at a public elementary school in Warwick, N.Y., has been altered to accommodate a parent’s complaints that the program would illegally spotlight a “religious” figure – Santa Claus.

“Breakfast With Santa” has since been changed to “Winter Wonderland Breakfast,” ……

That parent, who did not wish to have her name used, wrote a letter to the school board asserting that Santa represents Christmas — a Christian holiday…

These radical leftist types are arguing that just because 95 percent of Americans, according to recent polling, celebrate Christmas, they ought not to have that right” since a person with a different view might object.

Read the entire article at:Discoverthenetworks.org

Please note that this Christmas fund raiser was being held on a SATURDAY, not on a school day or a school night, and therefore, attendance is optional…NOT mandatory!! Therefore this “hum-bug down with Santa” parent could have kept their happy ass at HOME instead of attempting to interfere with the rights and enjoyment of others!!

This is a display of total stupidity, first on the part of the ONE parent and second on the part of the school district who chose to “buckle” to the whims of an idiot!! This political corruption, oops..I mean correctness, is totally out of control!!

When will the people say ENOUGH of this type of bullshit??

Saving Christmas

November 27, 2006

Well, it’s that time of year…people go back and forth due to some idiotic “pc” crap……is it “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays”, “Happy Winter Holiday”…or what????

It is CHRISTMASand if people don’t like it, I frankly, do not care!! I am tired of all the political correctness floating around due to the MINORITY saying “they are offended”!! THEY offend me by being offended by Christmas so where are my rights and the rights of the majority of other Americans?


It looks like many retailers have faced the “wrath of the people” and will be putting Christmas back into the season!! Three cheers for them!!!

Walmart has announced that they will be wishing their customers “Merry Christmas” and will have “Christmas trees” and Christmas everywhere!

Other stores like Kohl’s Corporation, Walgreens Co., and Federated Department Stores (Macey’s and Bloomingdales) are joining in the Christmas spirit!!

Target has also stopped “snubbing” the Salvation Army and has announced a “Multi-faceted Christmas Partnership with the Salvation Army” by launching an Angel Giving Tree (an on-line version of the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program), and also donating 100% proceeds from the sale of a Limited Edition Harvey Lewis angel ornament. To read more please go to Target’s News Release.

I know there are other stores that have decided to bring back Christmas and if we are unable to shop there for one reason or another, let’s make sure to at least drop them an e-mail to say “thank you” and show our support for their decision to bring CHRISTMAS back to the forefront of the season!!


The Countdown to Christmas

November 25, 2006

Well, Thanksgiving is now behind us which means Christmas is right around the corner!!

Did you make it through Black Friday? I did…I stayed in the comfort of my home surrounded by my “babies” (4-legged critters), and my husband and I just relaxed and enjoyed the day! I think to myself, who in their right mind would want to get out the Friday after Thanksgiving amidst all the pushing, shoving, and grabbing…and for what? There is not one single thing that I can think of I would be willing to either get up at 2 am or “camp out” all night in front of a store for…..but apparently many people have that “itch” they must scratch!! And retailers count on the “itch” to start their Christmas season off with a bang! To all you Black Friday shoppers, hope you had a great time and made it home with no bruises on anything but your nerves! 🙂

As we begin this Christmas season, amid all the tree trimming, lights, laughter, egg nog, family and friends, let us not forget a few things…

One: Remember the “Reason for the Season”…our country was based on Christian principals and although there are those that are attempting to deny our rights to say CHRISTMAS, to deny our right to have the Nativity Scene displayed anywhere, to do away with any references to God or His Son, Jesus, WE MUST NOT and WE MUST REMEMBER!!

Second: Remember our TROOPS..the brave men and women who are away from home fighting for our continued safety and freedoms! Remember their sacrifices and those that have sacrificed before them, for without these brave soldiers our country would not be the great Nation that it is!!

In support of our troops, please visit Wake Up America and send a “thank you” to our soldiers overseas!!

Do not let the political wranglings of the “war haters” and “military haters” deter our determination and resolve to let our troops know they are appreciated!!